HI! I am Thiago Soares de Souza



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Who Am I ?

About Me

I have a bachelor degree in computer science from Catholic University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. I am currently based in Canada, pursuing further learning as Information Technology Programmer Analyst at LaSalle College - Montreal.

I can speak:

- French (Limited Work Proficiency)
- English (Full Work Proficiency)
- Spanish (Full Work Proficiency)
- Portuguese (Native and Full Work Proficiency)

I have two years of experience in Java for Web, coding in every part of the development Front-end and Back-end.
In Mexico, where I have lived 5 years, I worked as Proactive Monitoring Coordinator of LATAM. I have wored in English, Spanish and Portuguese. And also, I have learned so much how to communicate with people, understand differences, focus on the goals and be part of a team up to win.
I consider myself a self-starter, team player and proactive person. I am always looking for new challenges and ways to improve my skills. My passion is software development, which drives me to push myself outside of my comfort zone to acquire new knowledge and embrace new challenges.

What I Did ?


Project in group, project CRUD operation in Java EE Web, JSP, using Servlets.

Other technologies:

IntelliJ - OOP - MVC (Pattern) - Singleton (Pattern) - MySQL Workbench - JDBC - GlassFish Server - CSS - Bootstrap - JavaScript - HTML - XML - Git bash

GitHub Project

Download Build a Web App (CRUD) using Django framework, SQLite and Python

CRUD Application Book Library Python, Django, SQLite

Build a Web App (CRUD) using Django framework, SQLite and Python

Other technologies:

Visual Studio Code - OOP - HTML5 - CSS3 - GitHub - Git bash - Login - Sessions

GitHub Project

Download Kid's Game CRUD application in PHP, OOP, DB

Kid's Game CRUD application in PHP, OOP, DB

Kid's Game CRUD application in PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. 6 Levels, Including Registration, Login and Modification forms, Game forms, components, Sessions, Database, History page.

Visual Studio Code - OOP - MVC (Pattern) - Singleton (Pattern) - MySQL Workbench - JDBC - Bootstrap - JavaScript - Git bash - GitHub - Login - Sessions

GitHub Project

Download Public Holidays CRUD Application Swift, API
Public Holidays CRUD Application Swift, API

Public Holidays CRUD Application Swift, API, Coredata

Other technologies:

Xcode - API - MVC (Pattern) - Singleton (Pattern) - Coredata - Customized Cells - Login - CRUD - Git bash - GitHub

GitHub Project
Application Exchange Money and Calculators in CSharp
Exchange Money and Calculators App in CSharp

Application Exchange Money (Offline and Online) and Calculators (Basic and Scientific) in C#, OOP, Windows Forms

Other technologies:

Visual Studio Code - OOP - CSharp - Files Management - Git bash - GitHub

GitHub Project
Student Courses 3-Tier CRUD App in CSharp ADO.NET
Student Courses 3-Tier CRUD App in CSharp ADO.NET

Management Student Courses 3-Tiers CRUD application in CSharp ADO.NET with SQL Server

Other technologies:

Visual Studio 2022 - OOP - CSharp - MVC (Pattern) - Singleton (Pattern) - SQL Server - JavaScript - ADO.NET - CRUD Application - Git - Git bash - GitHub

GitHub Project
Want to work with me?

Always feel Free to Contact & Hire me

Which Organizations Am I Engaged ?

INT - Innovators in Technology
INT - Innovators in Technology

INT is the official Computer Science student association at LaSalle College - Montreal. It's a volunteer group, composed of students from different departments in IT (Programming, Networking, and Video Gaming development).

  • Contribute to the organization of IT-related Events
  • Development of software solutions (web).
  • Build and manage the website for new projects and content.
  • Teamwork (weekly meetings to verify progress).
  • Helped plan tech week 2022
  • Contributed to building Tech week 2022 hot site
  • Assisting Student members understand and implement concepts

Read more
Tech Week 2022 Website
Tech Week 2022 Website

I have participated in the construction of the Tech Week Website 2022. The INT group was divided the functions to be able to accomplish the objective. Build the tech week event with Games, Spetchs, fiares with important companies looking for interns/employees. My co-worker and I were responsible for building and updating the website, but we have also partitipated in the event's general organization, supported in some technical issues during the event, etc.

See Web Site
Tech Week 2023 Website
Tech Week 2023 Website

I have participated in the construction of the Tech Week Website 2023. The INT group was divided the functions to be able to accomplish the objective. Build the tech week event with Games, Spetchs, fiares with important companies looking for interns/employees. My co-workers and I were responsible for building and updating the website, but we have also partitipated in the event's general organization, supported in some technical issues during the event, etc.

The web site technologies and skills applied:
vue.js, node.js, npm, JavaScript, bootstrap5, CSS3, HTML5, git, github, problem-solving, agile, team work.

See Web Site

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